Our Mission

The Beza Institute for Reformed Classical Education exists to promote Classical Christian Education from a distinctly confessional & reformed perspective for the glory of God and the good of His Kingdom.

We seek to publish articles which promote a markedly reformed perspective on classical Christian education; to provide meaningful resources which equip reformed classical educators, schools, and families for the work of cultural reformation; and to uphold an uncompromisingly Biblical approach to classical education as the movement continues to grow and expand.

Why “Beza”?

Theodore Beza, the successor to John Calvin & the first rector of the Academy of Geneva during the Protestant Reformation, was a brilliant teacher, author, pastor, school leader, and lover of the liberal arts. At the commencement of the Academy of Geneva in 1559, Beza said the following in his commencement address, “Indeed, you have not gathered in this place as many of the Greeks used to do, heading to their gymnasiums to engage in vain endeavors, but rather, imbued with the knowledge of the true religion and liberal arts, to be able to magnify the glory of God and to be a support to your families and an honor to your homeland.”

Here at The Beza Institute, we long to promote Beza’s vision for education within the classical Christian education movement. His educational vision was marked by the true religion and liberal arts with the purpose of glorifying God, providing for one’s family, and renewing the culture. Education is not neutral. Therefore — like Theodore Beza — we believe that education must be thoroughly biblical, confessional, and doxological in its approach, even as it makes use of the great resources of Western Civilization.

Our Commitments.

As the classical education movement changes & grows, we are building a community of classical Christian teachers and schools which are:

  • Unashamedly Christian

  • Thoroughly Biblical

  • Rooted in the Doctrines of the Protestant Reformation

  • Committed to God’s Design for Biblical Sexuality & Gender

  • Against Any Form of Darwinism

  • Against Wokeness, Critical Race Theory, and Intersectionality

  • Against Any Worldly Philosophies & Ideologies that Do Not Presuppose God’s Revelation as the Foundation and Source of Truth

Our Doctrine.

We affirm the essential truths of orthodox Christianity, as articulated in the ecumenical councils of Nicea, Constantinople and Chalcedon, and the system of doctrine expressed in the creeds of the Protestant Reformation, including the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Second London Confession of 1689, the Thirty-nine Articles of the Church of England and the Westminster Confession of Faith.