How To Write For Us
The Beza Institute for Reformed Classical Education welcomes article submissions from like-minded classical Christian educators with the following personal qualifications:
Authors must be in substantial agreement with one or more of the historic reformed confessions (e.g. Westminster Confession, 1689 2nd London Baptist Confession, Three Forms of Unity, 39 Articles).
Author’s should be personally or professionally involved (or have a vested interest) in classical Christian education. Examples would include those who are employed at a classical Christian school, those working as a classical Christian home educator, those who are employees of a classical Christian education organization (a curriculum house, CLT, etc.), ordained ministers of the gospel in a reformed church, or a student studying in a relevant field of education.
If you meet the above personal qualifications and desire to submit an article for publication on the Beza blog please make sure your article conforms to the following guidelines:
All article topics must be directly relevant to classical Christian education. In other words, Beza will not be publishing articles that are theological but which have no apparent connection to CCE (no matter how good they otherwise may be).
No Article should exceed 2,500 words maximum. If you desire to submit material in excess to this word limit then consider editing your work so that it may be submitted as a series of smaller posts.
All articles should be submitted in an easily editable file format. Google docs are highly preferred. No PDF submissions will be considered.
All articles should employ Times (12 pt.) font or an approximate equivalent.
All articles should be submitted in double spaced format (except for block quotes which should be single spaced).
All quotations should be duly cited according to Chicago/Turabian format so as to avoid plagiarism.
All articles should be consistent with reformed theology even when not explicitly addressing tenets of reformed theology. Some good pedagogy and topics worth writing about may not contain explicit references to reformed principles (e.g. the value of timelines, the value of uniforms and seating charts, etc.) and that’s okay as long whatever you do say is consistent with the reformed faith.
Lastly, please include a name, photo, and brief bio (2-4 sentences) with your submission that we will use on our website.
Please also keep in mind that while The Beza Institute desires to intentionally publish articles which speak positively about and promote the way reformed thinking can shape the pedagogy of classical Christian education, we do not wish to foster an environment of combativeness towards our non-reformed brothers and sisters in Christ.
If you have any questions about whether you, or your work, meet the qualifications for submitting articles to The Beza Institute please do not hesitate to contact us at Submissions in consideration for publication should also be emailed to the same address.